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Establishing a sound positive incentive system in Tongshan District, Xuzhou City to promote cadres to dare to do good deeds

徐州市铜山区 健全正向激励体系 推动干部敢为善为

Issuing time:2024-09-27 15:18Author:徐永进 吴倩Source:新华日报Link:https://xh.xhby.net/pc/con/202409/27/content_1373835.html

As a key leading enterprise in national agriculturalindustrialization, Jiangsu Nature Biotechnology Co., Ltd. exported garlic worth179 million yuan last year, driving an average income of over 10000 yuan per mufor nearly 60000 acres of garlic in the town. We need to continue to encourageenterprises to play a leading role and empower the development ofcharacteristic agricultural industries. "As the fourth quarter approaches,Chen Beijing, Secretary of the Party Committee of Daxu Town, Tongshan District,Xuzhou City, is intensifying the planning of key work.



Previously, Chen Beijing had been working in district levelgovernment agencies. After being transferred to a township, he insisted onbeing a good "locomotive" at the grassroots level, working togetherwith all cadres and masses in the town to promote development through quickwork.


In recent years, Tongshan District has always regarded theconstruction of the cadre team as a key measure to promote the development ofthe cause, focusing on selecting personnel for the development of the cause,employing personnel based on practical achievements, and motivating personnelthrough institutional mechanisms, effectively stimulating the internal drive ofcadres to work hard and start businesses.


Investigate the sinking, strengthen and promote the developmentof the sharp knife team. Without careful observation, one cannot discernclearly. Since 2022, Tongshan District has explored the establishment of a"joint cadre" mechanism for organizational work cadres, led by thedeputy minister in charge every quarter, combined with annual assessments anddaily research, to achieve "every household visits" for districtmanagement units and "everyone talks" for district management cadres,making the front line the main battlefield for identifying and inspectingcadres.


Tongshan District has always insisted on putting politicalstandards in the first place. Through methods such as conducting inspectionsand interviews, conducting democratic evaluations, soliciting opinions,verifying physical examination results, writing inspection materials, andconducting job interviews, 201 cadres have undergone strict politicalexaminations, effectively ensuring the selection and appointment of good peopleand guarding the door. Formulate the "Operational Guidelines forStrengthening the Training and Use of Excellent Professional Cadres in TongshanDistrict", and select 21 cadres with professional backgrounds, young andstrong abilities, and courage to take on responsibilities according to thedevelopment needs of the leading industries in the district.


Stand up with guidance and strike a combination of motivationaland responsible punches. The correct employment orientation is not only acompass for guiding the growth and progress of cadres, but also a baton forguiding cadres in their work and entrepreneurship. Tongshan District hasconducted a deep and practical evaluation of the "ResponsibilityIndex" for leading cadres, setting 20 specific evaluation indicatorsaround core elements such as sense of responsibility, ability, style, andperformance, and assigning more than 700 points to the responsibility ofleading cadres.


Establish a grassroots orientation when promoting cadres, sothat grassroots cadres have hope. Tongshan District has studied and introducedmechanisms such as the "Special Evaluation System for Key Work of DistrictManagement Leadership Teams and Leading Cadres (Trial)", which closelylinks personal development with unit performance. This year, 58 people were promotedto job levels (grades) based on comprehensive assessment results, including60.3% in the town and street front lines, ensuring that talented individualshave a place in the system. Polish the "Copper School" cadreeducation brand and help grassroots cadres establish and practice a correctview of political achievements.


Clarify responsibilities and boost the entrepreneurial spirit ofemployees. Organizations should tolerate the mistakes of cadres on the path ofinnovation and stimulate the motivation of innovators. Tongshan District hasrefined and implemented the "three distinctions", promoted thesubstantive operation of mechanisms such as risk reporting, fault tolerance andcorrection, prudent accountability, and clarification of names, accuratelyidentified cadres who are not suitable for their current positions, activelyand steadily promoted the reasonable use of cadres who have been affected bydisciplinary actions and meet relevant conditions, so that cadres can trulyfocus on their work and entrepreneurship.


"As a systematic project, it is necessary to systematicallyand comprehensively implement policies to encourage cadres to take onresponsibilities, and strive to build a positive incentive system with allelements and chains." The relevant person in charge of the OrganizationDepartment of Tongshan District Party Committee said that it will furtherstrengthen encouragement and incentive, fully mobilize the enthusiasm,initiative and creativity of cadres and officials, and promote the new practiceof Chinese path to modernization in Tongshan to reach a new peak.


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